Change Log:

Added: youtube search in streams
Changed: proxy streams are dropped within 1 minute of starting (not 10 seconds as before) [core]
Changed: ffmpeg streams are restarted immediately after issuing the command [core]
Changed: servers must have HTTPs port open in order for them be able to receive commands (server reboot, stream restart, disconnect clients...) [core]
Changed: proxy VODs are no longer copied across LBs after preparation. Instead, they are read directly from the source [core]
Changed: due to the implementation of a new streaming engine, monoscope is deprecated
Changed: removed Proxy Drop Timeout from General Settings [admin][core]
Changed: now Client Connection Log shows connections in real time (no 5 seconds delay) [admin]
Changed: automatic redirect to referrer on logout after timeout [admin]
Fixed: GPU0 was always used during decoding when GPUs other than the first were selected [core]
Fixed: Device ID is now taken into account even when encoding only [core]


Friday, April 15, 2022

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