Change Log:

Added: custom FFmpeg binary option for streams / VODs / custom channels / posters
Added: bouquet filter for streams / VODs / custom channels [admin]
Added: option to interrupt database restore and migration [admin]
Changed: default user agent is now set to "Mozilla/5.0" for streams, VODs and source probing
Changed: custom channel feed importer now scans subdirectories too [core]
Changed: only files with video extension are now imported when importing custom channels feeds [core]
Changed: the migration tool now imports streams EPGs and blocked IPs too from XC databases [core]
Changed: now a log file is created to debug installation errors on LBs (/root/screenlog.0) [core]
Fixed: LBs fail to install on systems without the /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend file [core]
Fixed: streams occasionally marked as failing but still working on LBs [core]
Fixed: redirect to LBs with archives [core]
Fixed: max allowed connections setting not applied when assigning subscription plans [core]
Fixed: multiline import not importing categories when "Include categories from m3u" was set to Yes [core]

Saturday, November 4, 2023

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